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Each matter begins with a value conversation.  We think a lot about effective representation in the way in which we staff each engagement. Large institutional firms assign multiple layers of lawyers and para-legals on their matters.  We don’t. We know that incurring $80,000 in legal fees for a $200,000 transaction is poor value, regardless of the elegance of the documents your law firm prepared or their clever approach.   We engage in collaborative planning, working closely with the client to understand its objectives, matter by matter, and to devise the most cost-effective means to deliver. In close consultation with our clients, we develop plans for early case assessments, information gathering, templates, staffing, discovery, case budgets, expert witnesses and, if necessary, trial.


Our clients appreciate direct access to a senior lawyer for the handling of their matters. Each is trained in project management, makes smart use of precedents and works closely in a tightly managed way with experienced members of the Victorian Bar. Employing teams of staff in fancy offices is not for us. We staff leanly, use project management tools and work closely with members of the Victorian Bar forming a team as required by the requirements of each case.


We also  investment heavily in technology, including advanced case organisation software, advanced document management software, advanced docketing systems, litigation management software and create custom databases for document automation that allow us to create and produce client documents inexpensively.


Melbourne Litigation is committed to ensuring that our fee earners and other professionals are extremely responsive.  We strive to respond to all phone calls same day and answer questions within 24 hours, if not sooner.  If an answer is not readily at hand, we very quickly provide an estimate as to when we will have the information or answer sought.


We all have 24-hour access to email and provide mobile phone numbers to our clients so that we can be reached at any time required. If we're travelling we always ensure that other members of the core team are aware of our itineraries and are completely up to speed on all client matters. 


Our fees aim to be proportionate and reasonable in your particular circumstances. Time spent on your work is only one of the many factors we consider in estimating a fair and reasonable fee for your work.


We also take into account matters including:


• skill, specialised knowledge and responsibility;

• complexity of the work, and the difficulty or novelty of the questions involved;

• the outcome sought;

• the urgency of the work you require;

• the degree of risk assumed by us;

• any fee customarily charged in the market and locally for similar legal services if that information is available to us.


We always provide a fee estimate and, once the work is complete, or at monthly intervals, an itemised invoice.


We prefer clients we know, like and trust. However, because we dont know everyone, we set out to define our professional character so that our new clients know what to expect from us. We love to work for clients who value:


  • Integrity

  • Frankness

  • Responsiveness

  • Transparency

  • Common decency (doing what you should do, rather than what you could do)

  • Delivering value

  • Trustworthiness (in every respect, and particularly as a good and safe choice for your matters)

  • Teamwork

  • Hard work

  • Keeping an open mind to new ideas

  • Public mindedness

  • Happiness


Not necessarily in that order.

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